Sunday, February 8, 2009

10 Leopards

On the Jukebox: "Close Every Door" by Donny Osmond
Mood: Thankful
Quote: "Be Grateful..." ~ Gordon B. Hinckley
Flair: Pet Peeve #47

As a young child I remember my grandmother reading me the Bible story about the time that Jesus healed ten lepers. Only one of them came back to thank him for healing him, even though Jesus had given ten men back their lives. Leprosy was a life sentence back then. Those who contracted the disease were untouchable because it was contagious. Many were forced to leave their communities or ring a bell to warn others of their approach so that contact could be avoided. For some reason I thought the story was about ten leopards. Why not? Cats have bells on their collars, Jesus can understand all of Heavenly Father's creatures, and who says a leopard can't change it's spots? I'm sure Jesus could do it...

Fortunately even though I didn't grasp the difference between felines and invalids, the lessons I took away from this particular story were that we are healed through our faith and that it is important to express our gratitude. I am often guilty of having great intentions and not following through on them. Sure, I say thanks when an act of service is rendered or a gift given but I mean to follow up with a written note or a plate of cookies and so often (9 times out of 10 - just like the lepers) I'm the leopard that didn't express proper gratitude.

Here's a list of some of my notoriously bad Leopard days:

1) Last Easter, I enjoyed a wonderful Venezuelan meal with the RS President and her family. It was delicious and the company was especially fun. I meant to go home and whip up a gorgeous hand stamped card (because she knows I make those) and mail it right out. I was probably distracted by something shiny.

2) A few months ago I ordered half a dozen tubes of Avon lip balm costing about $2. It took a while for the order to come in and then the representative gave them to me for free. I was really touched because it happened to be during a time when we were in between paychecks and I know she wasn't aware of that fact. I'm sure I could have scrounged the change from my car or seat cushions but I was grateful for her sweet gesture of friendship.

3) My next door neighbor recently got a snow blower. Every time he does his driveway he does ours too. I owe him a refill on his gas can and a dozen cookies. I really hope he knows how much we appreciate him. Saying thanks isn't enough.

4) I have the best ward! When I had surgery the RS sisters brought meals in even though I was capable of heating up my own Spaghetti-Os. My home teachers gave me a blessing, they mowed my yard every week while Grant was in Iraq, the young men came and did some yard maintenance, and I know members of the EQ also helped with snow removal. I was in tears when I looked at my bedroom window at 5:30 AM and saw someone shoveling before leaving for work. My visiting teachers were equally wonderful. I'm behind by at least a dozen thank yous...

5) My friends are great. Again when I had to have surgery and Grant was in Iraq, one used some of her vacation days to come take care of me. Another drove me to my appointments when I was hopped up on pain killers. I recognize the sacrifice of their time and the inconvenience of juggling jobs and children. It's a blessing to have friends who are so willing to serve one another.

6) Speaking of friends that serve - just two days ago I was having the worst day. I was ill - affects of my thyroid issues, low blood sugars, lack of sleep, a heap of stress, and to top it all off my lady days! I literally could not function. My joints hurt so bad that I could not hold onto things. I was supposed to set up my display for the Women's Conference that I was presenting at the next day. I could not do it. My brain wouldn't work right and I couldn't even articulate my thoughts. It was so frustrating. I am grateful for the friends who loaned me things to display and those who helped to create an aesthetic arrangement. They can't know how much peace they brought to my harried life.

7) Then there was the time as a self absorbed teenager when I sketched a fabulous mermaid Halloween costume and then my mother spent several days sewing the complicated design. I've been told (by my aunt after the fact) that I didn't express proper gratitude. I should have been fixing dinner and doing dishes instead of whatever teenagerish thing I was doing.

8) I've been told I was pretty much a moochy leopard when I lived with my grandparents. I should have been vacuuming and dusting and helping with meals instead of enjoying the social life of my senior year. I didn't think of what an inconvenience it must have been to have their routine interrupted by an oblivious 17 yr old. I thought it was a great honor for them to have me, instead of realizing what a favor they were doing for me. My grandparents have passed on now. I hope they know how much I really did love and appreciate them even when I failed to express it with words and deeds.

9) About two months ago I was in a sulky mood and decided not to participate to my highest capacity in an Enrichment planning meeting. Afterwards one of the ladies who was there called to check on me. She was worried that I was ill or had my feelings hurt or something. I was touched that she noticed that I wasn't my normal self and that she took time out of her day to let me know she was thinking of me.

10) I probably didn't express proper gratitude for something you did for me. Sometimes I am so overcome by my feelings that I will cry if I try to articulate how touched I am by little things - like the way my mother sends me cards every few weeks or a friend from down the street brings a small plate of goodies whenever she bakes because she knows we don't make goodies in our household or the arm lovingly placed around my shoulder when you ask how I am. I am tender hearted and am afraid of not only embarrassing myself but those who say kind things or offer me assistance and gestures of friendship. I am a boob! Please know, dear friend, that even when I simply say 'thanks' to you and it doesn't feel like I appreciate you enough... that I am expressing gratitude in my prayers for the blessing you are in my life. I've learned lessons and am not as self absorbed as I once was. I want to be the tenth leopard, the one that when the spots were removed remembered to acknowledge the difference it made in the quality of his life.

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