On the Jukebox: "Rainy Monday" by Shiny Toy Guns
Mood: Satisfactory
Quote: "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." John 1:4
Flair: Defence or Excuse?
Yesterday I planned to get a lot done. I've had the Part 2 of Book 2 outlined for sometime. I was eager to get started because I just got to a chapter that has some fast paced action which I've been looking forward to writing for ages. Then something strange and wonderful happened: My day got completely derailed in the most unexpected and delightful way.
I woke up around 4:30 AM and for some reason I started thinking about FaceBook and the list of people I periodically search for. I try to reconnect with at least one old friend per week. That's not too hard to do when you've lived in as many places as I have, I fish in plentiful waters. There have been several people lately who keep coming to the forefront of my thoughts. It's so hard to find them because 1) I don't recognize photos 2) I can't always spell their names correctly - some have married or divorced or go by nicknames so how am I supposed to know who's who?
After a time I drifted back to sleep and dreamed that I was back in Santa Maria working once more in the youth program - which is one of my fondest experiences regarding church callings. There are two sets of youth that I absolutely adore. One are the kids from Carthage branch the others are from SM 2nd Ward. (These were the days when I was still young enough to relate to teenagers and for them to want to turn out something like me.) Recently, I found the majority of my young women from New York and decided that it was time to find my California girls.
There was something I wanted to give them. I had been hoarding a treasure for years that would be multiplied if I could find a way to share it with them. In my possession, is a huge stash of never-before-seen photographs and video footage starring these kids. Often I thought about dividing up the pictures - but that posed problems: Who would get a picture if it had more than one girl or boy in it? Not to mention that the photo looses context when separated from the group. I couldn't afford to get the 100s of pictures copied for each person. (This was before digital soft copies.)
Fast forward 13 years and the solution presented itself in the form of FaceBook and I knew I needed to collect this set of friends. I was fortunate to come across one of them on another friend's page. After sleuthing I had a small handful. So I posted the first picture to lure the others out of hiding. I was unprepared for the results. Within the space of three short hours my friend count had gone up and my page was a blur of activity. If this had happened with just one picture what would happen when I got around to scanning and uploading the rest? I planned to do it later (say next week, next month, or next year) but then I realized how much time had already passed by and that the time had come to act.
So I took the day off of work. (Being self-employed I have a very understanding boss and besides it was my birthday.) I scanned 104 photos and still have a stack of about 50 or 60 more left to do. There are quite a few that need to be cropped and commented on. Now, I'm not sure what the current rate of exchange is on time and things being worth it, but I can say that this is a labor intensive project but not once did I feel like I was squandering it. It was such a treat to see my kids again and know that I was able to make them smile. It was the least I can do for them because they'll never know what a blessing they were to me and how very much I needed them at that particular time in my life.
To the kids of SM2, if you ever read this, I want you to know how much I love each and every one of you. Thank you for everything. Thanks for TPing my house in at 2AM, thanks for baking goodies and ditching them on the doorstep, thanks for bringing me presents on my B-day, thanks for letting me teach you, thanks for putting up with me when I was teaching the songs for the roadshow - yes I know I can't sing, thanks for helping with my projects, thanks for thinking I was cool enough to talk to, thanks for the memories.
Growing up I always wanted a surprise party on my birthday. I just never imagined that I'd be hosting my own - now that's a surprise!!! I didn't write a single word in chapter 14, nevertheless I had a very rewarding day.
I was sitting sacrament meeting 2 days ago (at home in SM2 of course) and decided that I needed to make a few New Years Resolutions. This is something that I don't usually do. Seriously, who even sticks to them anyway? I didn't have any blank paper so I wrote my list on the program. Right under #11 (shoot more/better/GOOD) and above #13 (read 2 new books a month), #13 states: "learn to never cry". I know this may sound proposturous and really hard, but I decided that I just cry far too often. Commercials, movies, sitcoms, books, sacrament meetings, etc... I wanted to learn how to control that expression on my emotion far better. Short story long: your pictures have set me back...but have made me very happy none-the-less. Thank you.
of course I didn't edit/spell check first! i'm sorry, but i think you get the idea.
Hi Soquel!
I am a bit of a night owl - I think it comes from having a 16 month old and working from home...it's sometimes the only quiet part of my day :).
Anyway, somehow I've found myself here on your blog and imagine my surprise when I read your blog to the SM2 youth. I just wanted you to know I have the best of memories from being a Mia Maid under your jurisdiction - so thank you!
P.S. My parents still have the pictures up in the hallway of my sister wearing your mermaid costume during the glamour shots :).
We don't forget you either Soquel! Thanks for conjuring up so many memories! Time marches on...Sometimes I wish it would slow down. :)
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