On the Jukebox: "I Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" by Lauryn Hill
Mood: Improving
Idiom: "Kicking butts and taking names."
Flair: Total coolness
I wonder what wonders await me in the land of the fairies and elves today? It is sarcastic Wednesday, thus the ultimate way to survive the tedium of the 12 hour work day is to make as many wise acre comments as possible. Be forewarned, that's all I'm saying. Ever notice that the everyone has a big but? I'm not talking about mom jeans that have the "wide load" sign on the back, I'm talking about the huge excuse we use to safely avoid stepping out of our comfort zone. "I'd love to help you but..." or "I'd totally do that dream job but..." or "If I marry so&so I would be happy but..."
But what?!!! Come on people! Why do we wait to be happy when it is possible right now? Why are we always waiting to see how things turn out? What's wrong with being proactive? Which brings me to today's idiom. It means to arm yourself and be prepared in case a situation calls for it. It makes me think of a solider who defeats an opponent and takes his dog tags or his reputation. Applying it to myself it makes me think of times I conquered some obstacle and it gave me the courage to name my next one.
Too often we are pantywaists who take the safe path. I'm sick of it. I've decided that I'm not taking any more excuses or 'buts' if you will. From now on if you solicit my opinion and then you give me an excuse for why you aren't going to pursue said avenue of choice (Note: I said excuse not valid reason!) I will add your name to my wall of shame. I will make fun of you and kick you when you are down. Thus the new saying "kicking names and taking buts." I know it doesn't make any sense. So what? Did I mention it was sarcastic Wednesday?
Okay, so let's talk about *your* big but. What is holding you back from the all American pastime of pursuing happiness? If you want my support you know where to find me - just be prepared to come prepared for some harsh reality checks if you start to sound like you're making excuses. I'd like to leave you with an excerpt from one of my favorite poems on personal quests. Ponder and enjoy!
"How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples. The myths about dragons, that at the last moment, turn into princesses. Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses: who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us. So you must not be frightened if a sadness rises up before you, larger than any you have ever seen. If a restiveness, like light and cloud shadows, passes over your hands and over all you do. You must think that something is happening with you. That life has not forgotten you. That it holds you in its hand. It not let you fall."
~ Rainer Maria Rilke
(excerpt from Letters to a Young Poet)
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