Friday, January 30, 2009

The Bermuda Trapezoid

On the Jukebox: "A Summer Song" by Chad and Jeremy
Mood: I'm awake, let's not push it...
Quote: "More fun than a bent Wookie!"
Flair: Jelly Fishing

So I've just been informed that it's Friday - again. I don't know how I keep losing Thursday. This is probably the third time in the last year that Thursday has evaporated into thin air. I'm weirded out right now. Personally I think that there's a logical, even scientific explanation: The Bermuda Trapezoid (BT).

Yep... it's a portal that is portable for your convenience - a travel size black hole if you will... Everyone gets a chance to use the BT occasionally. It's on a lotto system so sometimes you can access it multiple times in a year. Unfortunately most people use it to screw with other people. "Where did my TPS cover sheet go?" Voip! Someone zapped it into the BT to make themselves look more competent. Most people forget when it's their turn to use the BT so it goes on autopilot and randomly selects a sock from the dryer or car keys.

What I want to know is why people keep taking my Thursdays? Now weekends... that I could totally understand, but come on Thursday, really? What's up with that? Don't you know that's my day to procrastinate? Now I'm behind in my procrastinating, the one thing I don't like to put off until later. I'm very put out now. I promise when I get a turn with the BT again, I'm going to send a few people away for good. That way I can get caught up without distractions. Until then, please leave my Thursdays alone!

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