On the Jukebox: "Blackbird" by Sarah McLachlan (Beatles remake on the I am Sam soundtrack)
Mood: Contemplative, but not too deep
Quote:"Keep your day job!"
Flair: with a strong, clear voice
I'll always remember the day I discovered I was not musically gifted. My young heart was broken by the harsh review I received from the music teacher when I auditioned for the school choir. She said something about not being able to carry a tune even if it had a handle and that I shouldn't or couldn't sing. Before that fateful day, I believed everyone could sing. It seemed second nature. Think about it: in elementary school everyone sings in the school program. It isn't until later that we weed out the bad singers and steer them towards shop or art classes.
When I was young, I happily sang. I would wander around the house sing-songing nonsensical things. I sang beautifully in the shower and knew that someday I would impress the judges at the Miss Universe pageant. I just knew that when I was crowned there wouldn't be a dry eye in the theatre and they would beg me to sing once more. I think the words encore and bravo were the first foreign words I ever learned on my own. Adults allowed me to continue on with this deluded idea for many years.
I was awarded a talent show ribbon for my 6th grade duet. My partner and I were supposed to sing two songs (from the primary songbook) but after the first one she ran off the stage. I thought she had stage fright but now I suspect she was embarrassed to sing with me. Nancy C. - I'm so sorry about my lack of talent and the Holly Hobbie knee socks! When I was fifteen my friend Elizabeth C. and I sang a duet for seminary graduation (this time I wore turquoise pantyhose.) Again we were complimented for our musical contribution. I have this duet on video and have to say it isn't too excruciating to watch. In fact, little birds in the outer eaves of the building sing along with us, so it's quite enchanting.
It was only after I started my sophomore year of high school that the choir director took me aside and said "No honey no!" and suggested I take art instead, that I began to question everything I believed myself to be. Was I not talented? Was I not pretty? Was I not smart? What if I wasn't a good writer, ballet dancer, nice person, or fun babysitter? What if everyone who said nice things to or about me was a liar? As children we tend to believe everything we're told - especially about ourselves. Talk about a rude awakening!
My rule of thumb is never tell a person that they can't sing. My dear friend D. can't sing worth a plugged nickel but I'd never tell her that because she sings with such enthusiasm. I would hate to suck the joy out of it. Somehow even after having a professional choir director tell me that I stink, I still ended up displaying my lackluster musical talent. Isn't it necessary to practice in order to improve?
Well, I sang in our SM 6th ward roadshow - (which I wrote my senior year) and I purposely chose a song that was meant to sound sort of bad: "Will I wait for you?" from Saturday's Warriors. Did I mention that I'm good at laughing at myself? God must have enjoyed laughing at me too because I was called to be the primary chorister. Me - teaching little children how to sing "Follow the Prophet" very off key. How awesome is that??? Then I wrote another roadshow and taught a bunch of teenagers to sing show tunes way off key. Ah memories!
Here's what I've learned from this experience: Human beings were meant to sing just as much as the song birds in the forests. God still likes my voice even though I'll never rock American Idol. Heavenly choirs announced Christ's birth. Music resonates in each of us on a spiritual level. That's why the scriptures talk about the song of the righteous being a prayer. I love to sing primary songs and hymns. (I also like to sing Air Supply songs but that's another entry.) Oh, and one more thing: the Carpenters are right!
Sing, sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things not bad
Sing of happy not sad
Sing, sing a song
Make it simple to last
Your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not
Good enough for anyone
Else to hear
Just sing, sing a song
La la la la la
La la la la la la...
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