On the Jukebox: "Playdough" by the AquaBats
Mood: Borderline grouchy - not enough sleep
Quote: "Wish Cotton was a monkey!" from the Little Rascals
Flair: Clickity Keys
Debby Scharff, one of my friends, recently posted 16 things about herself to her FaceBook page. She asked 16 other people to do the same. It sounded like fun, but being as far behind the power curve as I have been recently, I decided to make this my Blog post for the day. So here you go 16 things you probably didn't want to know about me:
1) I'm diabetic.
2) I love the smell of 'Raspberry & Thyme' candles from Partylite.
3) I own (or belong to) 14 or more Blogs.
4) I was mentored by Piers Anthony & Becky Daniel - two wonderful writers.
5) I've lived in 48 different houses.
6) I have 3 cats, but don't like other people's pets.
7) I danced ballet for 16 years and I still have my toe shoes.
8) I hate mushrooms with a passion. They're my personal kyptonite.
9) I own over 2000 rubber stamps - but usually end up using the same 150.
10) I wish I was 1/2 inch taller. I'd add it to between my hips and waistline.
11) Although my table manners are impeccable, I dislike eating in large public gatherings. I'm a slow eater and can't talk and eat at the same time.
12) I think the scariest man alive, who is not a mass murder or a politician, is Richard Simmons. That dude seriously gives me the jibblies!!!
13) An Ethan Allen bedroom set was part of my marriage agreement.
14) I'm so NOT a phone person, but I'll talk your ear off in person.
15) I own a set of encyclopedias so I read them to get my money's worth.
16) The State of CA wouldn't let me get the vanity plate 'BEEBARF' but approved my other option 'DMVSUX'(Barf is a vulgar word but apparently sucks isn't???)
I love reading about you. So is #13 a modern day variation of the 8 cows. I'm sure Grant would agree you are totally worth it!
Do you remember that marriage application form my dad made Grant fill out? I wish I got to read the essay portion before it got burned. Oh well, at least he's still got the limited warranty.
I've always wanted Ethan Allen furniture because it is high quality (no plywood) and so beautiful. My friend Karla had a EA bedroom set as a teenager and I was so jealous. I made Grant promise that when we bought a home of our own I could have a EA bedroom set. Of course he had no idea at the time that it is pricey. The bed alone was $3000 but I plan to use until I die so that seemed reasonable.
BEEBARF?! I sense another blog entry! Thank you for doing the 16 things. I love getting to know you!
Love, Debby
Sorry, I'm commenting again. Is there some blogger etiquette I'm breaking here? Brandon heard you had a blog and wanted to see what you wrote. His most interesting comments:
1. The quote about the tiara was pretty funny.
2. He just finished reading "A Spell for Chameleon" so we was really excited about your #4. You'll have to share more about that one!
Either I was raised in a virtual barn or there aren't any Blog Etiquette rules... so post away! I plan to ramble on about #4 in another post and also Beebarf. Usually I talk about my professional writing/ inspirations/ progess/ training once a week. BTW Brandon, 'S.F.C.' is my favorite Xanth novel. I'm reading 'Virtual Mode' right now.
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