Friday, January 2, 2015

Ah, Those Pesky Reset Buttons

On the Jukebox: "In This Diary" by The Ataris
Quote: "Thank you, Mario. But our princess is in another castle!" ~ Toad, Super Mario Bros
Flair: I heart Yorgle & StrongBad

When I was a girl we did not have air bags, cell phones, or 16 bit graphics. Yes, you read that right; we lived in an 8 bit world where you, the character/avatar, were a blinking cursor and your family phone was probably attached to the wall in the kitchen. Yes, I grew up in the stone age of video games but I'll have you know that our 1981 Atari 2600 was the first on the block so I'm totally cool and know my stuff. I played Pac-Man to the point of infinite lives and flipping the level counter back to zero. I know the secret room in Adventure - probably one of the first Easter Eggs ever. Along with this 8 bit awesomeness came the revolutionary concept of a reset button. As other old school gamers, I discovered the hard way that the reset button restarts the game without saving your progress. It is to be used it with caution - sometimes along with reincarnating you it also brings back dragons.

I bring this up because I have recently hit reset on this blog. If you're glancing back into the archives you won't find many posts from the recent few years although the older ones are there. My progress has not been saved, so to speak. I have no written record to show that I attempted to do anything productive with my life or that my video-ninja skills improved. Trust me they have. I am wicked good at Tetris. I will not play Just Dance so don't ask. I know you just want me to do the Smurf, Running Man, and Butterfly and that is not going to happen!

I ran into my friends Yorgle, Grundle, and Rhindle while preparing to return to this blogging adventure. I thought I had killed those guys and dealt with my issues. Curse you reset button! It turns out that the pesky bat took off with my sword leaving me to review dozens of posts saved to the draft section of my blogs. Not a wise idea. Seriously where's Trogdor when you need him? Anyway, I read some stuff that I can't quite bring myself to delete but also can't bring myself to post here. It was hard and sad and shows that I have come a long way and in other ways am still stuck going around in the same silly maze over and over when the enchanted chalice is in a different castle (probably with Princess Peach.) Be warned - I'm coming for you chalice as soon as I find that bat!

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