Monday, February 23, 2009

My "Much To Do About Something" List

On the Jukebox: "Forever Your Girl" by Paula Abdul
Mood: Okay
Quote: "I wish the goblins would come and take you away!" ~ Labyrinth
Flair: Today while the sun shines

In case you haven't noticed, I'm a list maker. I wish I could say I get to cross everything off my list in a timely manner but I usually don't. I do find that I get more done if it is written down and that's why I've composed a list of stuff I ought to get done this week if I can cram it all in. Realistically, I'll probably get about half the stuff done. I like to throw a few easy things on the list to help me get started. It helps keep me motivated. It also helps remind me when I need to work on a particular personality trait. I've learned that I don't take time for myself unless I schedule it - thus there are a few things on my weekly list to make sure I am nice to myself as well as to others.

1) Enjoy the lemony fresh scent of recently cleaned bathrooms

2) Order Adobe CS4 for Tracy

3) Finish Visiting Teaching (appointments on Mon and Thurs)

4) Get house appraised (decide what to ask if we sell)

5) Run the Spotbot

6) Check on Tricare Reserves

7) Write tithing/fast offering check

8) Count blessings

9) Show Grant that I appreciate him

10) Be kind to Tamsen even though she's on the naughty list

11) Schedule a bowling party for primary class

12) Make new Zune playlist for working out

13) Check on Jennie and see if she needs help with her move this weekend

14) Write a bazillion pages in ED2

15) Help Grant get all his paper work together for new unit

16) Scan youth group pictures for Facebook friends

17) Go to the gym every other day with Grant and/or Kim

18) Prepare decorating/organization plans and budget for Melissa

19) Treat myself to a yummy marshmallow mint brownie from Cutler's

20) Arrange a luncheon with UOP friends

21) Plan a ED test readers get together

22) Start scrounging boxes

23) Wipe down the fridge (inside and out)

24) Clean out cold storage

25) Watch Masterpiece Oliver Twist

26) Attend RS Enrichment planning meeting

27) Start gathering items to donate to public library

28) Write Julie and Cindy

29) Update and organize audio and picture files on external drives

30) Call my mom

31) Catch up on ironing

32) Fix ED genealogy list

33) Write script for RS B-day party

34) Figure out what's for dinner all week long

35) Wipe down base boards

36) Follow up on hospital bill

37) Get cats their shots

38) Take massive pile of paper to be shredded

39) Catch up on Sailor Moon episodes

40) Breathe!


Grant said...

I am looking forward to #9 and #11

Kim W said...

You forgot: Write to Kim and tell her what the heck is going on. Where are you guys thinking about moving to? What kinds of jobs is Grant looking for?

Grant said...

It will all be revealed in good time. I can say that we will be closer to you than we are now.

Faith said...

Love your quotation. Don't forget the rest of it, though: "I wish the goblins would come and take you away. Right now!"