On the Jukebox: "Libby" by Carly Simon
Mood: About the same...
Quote: "You just had one of those 'I glued a bird to my head' days." ~ Forget Paris
Flair: Work to Do
Universal truth #87 Things should be done in wisdom and order.
Have you ever tried to do things out of order? It doesn't work well. I'm not saying that it's impossible. I've managed to put my pants on after putting on my shoes. It took a lot more effort and wasn't nearly as efficient as I hoped it would be. It would have been better to take off my shoes, then put on my pants, then put my shoes back on - but I was in a hurry and thought it was a brilliant idea.
Life is like that sometimes. We get in such a hurry that it seems like a good idea to take shortcuts in order to catch up on work or make time to accomplish the things we need to do. I'm all for efficiency, but it requires common sense too. The phrase work smarter not harder comes to mind. It is possible to multi task, but often because we are so busy doing so much nothing really gets accomplished.
Yes, we can run a load of laundry, brown some ground beef for dinner, and load the dish washer while we are waiting on hold with the insurance company - that's efficient multi tasking. Then there's the kind that makes it worse - the "dump everything from the kitchen counter into a pile of the family room floor to be sorted into new piles while you catch up on taped episodes of NCIS and Monk" kind of multi tasking. Let me tell you, that pile does get sorted but it would have been more efficient to throw half the stuff away the day it arrived in the mail. So what if you save 18 minutes per episode because you fast forwarded through the commericals? You should have been walking on your treadmill while watching TV. That's where wisdom comes into the equation.
It is wise to wear both pants and shoes. It is wise to be efficient. It is wise to do things in the correct order. It is wise to finish Book 2 before starting Book 3. You get the idea, right? Take time to think things through before acting. For example, it's probably a good idea to have a job before deciding to pack up and move someplace or start the rumor mill in the neighborhood. Just a thought... call me crazy, but I don't recommend frosting a cake before you bake it either!
Per your request: Your Crazy!
And you're a Punkluke!
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