On the Jukebox: "Change the World" by Eric Clapton
Mood: Feeling Monday
Quote: "80's music is so 2002!" ~ Phineas and Ferb
Flair: Tempting
Have you ever noticed how a radio or MP3 player can become a time machine? There are some songs that the instant I hear them I am transported back to some event in my life. The Beatles had their Magical Mystery Tour... I like to think of listening to music as something of the same. I never know where my mind will go when I hear a certain song. There are some songs that always lead back to the same destination and there are others that are fluid.
Sometimes these songs were new the year that I link them with. Such is the case with "Elvira" by the Oak Ridge Boys - I'm 9 and roller skating at the Jefferson Rink. "Head Over Heels" by Tears for Fears - I'm 14 and attending my first youth conference and asking a boy to dance for the first time. "Kissing a Fool" by George Michael - I'm back on the day of my high school graduation (not kissing anybody.) "You Are" by Lionel Richie - I'm 12 and at the Audubon Zoo with the mutual group. "Only You" by Yaz - I'm 17 and driving the San Marcus Pass to Santa Barbara on the day I ditched school with a few friends to get over my boy problems. "The Sign" by Ace of Base - I'm 20 something and driving to the airfield on Ft. Drum to pick up my husband. "Macerena" by Los Del Rio - I'm 20-something and in Seoul, South Korea watching the summer Olympics in Atlanta.
Sometimes they are oldies but linked with newer memories. "Rains of Africa" by Toto - I'm 19 and am trying desperately to get my future husband's attention at an Institute dance. "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys - I'm 29 and driving through the rain in Montana on a solo road trip. "Turn Back the Clock" by Johnny Hates Jazz - I'm 30 and am packaging a million promo kits for Don Aslett's QVC special. "One in a Million" by Bosson - I'm 34 and running on my treadmill for the first time in three years. "Moonglow" by Rod Stewart - I'm 37 and my husband and I are at the Olive Garden eating chocolate lasagna but I can't wait to get home for real dessert.
I wish I could say that all songs had good (or at least neutral) memories associated with them but they don't. "Flashdance" by Irene Cara - I'm 12 and humiliating myself at the school talent show (the really cool girl sang this song.)"An Innocent Man" by Billy Joel - I'm 13 and have locked myself out on the balcony of a hotel room in my skimpy nightie in plain view of a guy I had a crush on during a youth trip. "Axel F" by Harold Faltermeyer - I'm a Yearling at Girl's Camp being tortured by the mean Summiteers. "Out of the Blue" by Debbie Gibson - I'm 17 and puking my guts out before my B-day party.
I like how the meaning of certain songs change over time. It's cool how we can apply the lyrics to our lives and find universal truths in them - well except for maybe "Mambo #5" and "Who let the Dogs out" - let me know if you've got an example of how this applicable to your life and I'll gladly recant my statement.
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