On the Jukebox: "Piano in the Dark" by Brenda Russel
Mood: Uh-huh
Quote: "Sweetheart, you can't buy the necessities of life with cookies." ~ Edward Scissorhands
Flair: Bard Truth
Consider yourself warned. I'm feeling uber lazy and have decided to take a tiny break from long rambling posts. I've had half a dozen other projects going this past week and haven't spent as much time down in the basement as I normally do (not to mention it is freezing down here!)
I'm a tad frustrated with my lack of follow through lately. I had planned to have ED Book 2 finished by the beginning of March which is not far away now. Is it really possible that I can write 350 pages in 1 1/2 weeks? That's like 39 pages a day! I have had days where I have cranked out 25+ pages but 39 consistently? Yikes, that's like 5 pages an hour. The problem is that I like to get sidetracked with unnecessary research. I should own some sort of stock in Wikipedia - or they should pay me for every hour or article I click on - I'd be set for life.
Anyway I've decided to move my deadline for the first draft to the end of March unless more huge distractions come along (it's possible as we are looking at some life changing type of decisions in the near future...)I feel like the kid that knew that the big paper was due in 8 weeks and goofed off until 3 days before it was due. Wait, I was totally that kid!
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