On the Jukebox: "A Deeper Shade of Blue" by Steps
Mood: Exhausted
Quote: "It's OVER!!!" ~ Strongbad
Flair: Easy Button
What an exhausting day! I got only 3 hours of sleep last night and was pretty much running on empty. By the time I got home from the Women's Conference I was ready to collapse. Unfortunately it was too late to take a nap or I'd sleep right through bedtime and wake up in the middle of the night. Instead I forced myself to do some housework until Grant got home from his AF Reserve weekend and then we watched some of the TV shows we DVRd during the week. It felt so good to zone out but I couldn't get over the feeling that I should be doing something.
Have you ever had that annoying feeling that you have forgotten to do something important? It seems to be happening to me more and more often lately. I am so distracted I can't function in the real world. I've decided that I need a time out so I've decided that all of next week I will take it easy and only do what I have to do - starting with cleaning the bathrooms and catching up on laundry. I will take a few days off from writing ED 2:3 to organize my thoughts. I really should balance the checkbook and put away all the stuff that I dragged out for my displays. Yep, I think I'll go do that now so that I can enjoy a week off. St. Thomas sounds pretty good about now!
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