On the Jukebox: "Gabriel's Oboe" from "The Mission" Soundtrack
Quote: "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." ~ Mother Teresa
Flair: Peaceful Planet
I love the song "Nella Fantasia" which is an adaptation by Sarah Brightman of "Gabriel's Oboe" and has been sung by Celtic Woman, Il Divo, and Amiche. The words are full of transcendental beauty and peaceful imagery. Below is the English translation.
In my fantasy
In my fantasy I see a just world,
Where everyone lives in peace and honesty.
I dream of souls that are always free
Like the clouds that float
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.
In my fantasy I see a bright world
Where each night there is less darkness.
I dream of spirits that are always free,
Like the clouds that float
In my fantasy exists a warm wind,
That blows into the city, like a friend.
I dream of souls that are always free,
Like the clouds that float
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.
I've been reflecting on these lyrics as I watch the events unfolding in island nation of Haiti, which was devastated by an earthquake on January 12th. It made me proud to see how quickly the other nations of the world rushed to their aid. The Haitian motto is "Strength through Unity" and I think we've proven once again that we're at our best when we look past labels of citizenship, race, or religious beliefs and instead see one another as fellow inhabitants of God's glorious world.
It always fills me with joy to know that my hours of service are going to those who will most appreciate it. I am easing their burdens and bringing them comfort in some small way - small things with great love! I love volunteering with other members of the Relief Society to create quilts and put together hygiene kits and school supply bags. It humbles me to reflect on how blessed I am that I don't know hunger and that my temporal needs are continually met.
I am grateful for an education, a job, for the freedom to worship and exercise civic duties and a nation of abundance. Lately, it seems that our news has been focusing on the recession and how we're a bunch of "have-nots." While it's true that once again we forfeited Christmas gifts in our home due to economic challenges, we were blessed for that small sacrifice. Giving so that children don't go without is much more rewarding to me than a new bathrobe or a Blueray player. It is good for us all to remember that to most of the world we "average Americans" are the "other half" who have it so good. Please remember to be grateful for what you have and thank our Father in Heaven for it, pray for those less fortunate than you, and then do something to lift their burdens... if we all do this then it won't just be "In My Fantasy."
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