On the Jukebox: "Happy Workers" by Tori Amos
Quote: "Love is the closest thing we have to magic." ~ Aquamarine
Flair: Me OCD?
Today I volunteered at the mill in Kaysville. It was a really cool experience. I packed bags of pancake mix and instant mashed potatoes for four hours. It was repetitive work but I liked that I had a rhythm to keep up and that I could let my mind rest. The work went amazingly fast because of the amount of volunteers. In the past few months the mill has been running 24 hours a day because of the huge demand. All the food gets shipped to Welfare Square in SLC and then it gets sent to the Bishop's Storehouse and humanitarian centers all over the world.
I enjoyed being part of the big picture. It is very satisfying to help other people. It brings me a great sense of accomplishment to be involved in such an endeavor. Every General Conference between the sessions the Church airs the World Report Semiannual Church News Program. There is always a segment on our humanitarian efforts. It seems there has been an increased need in the last few years. More fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods. Every year I get teary eyed when I see how quickly we are able to assist those in need. We are truly doing the Lord's work for those in both spiritual and temporal need.
All day I have contemplated what great works my small hands have been part of. In the past year I've helped to tie quilts, rock babies, act as a proxy in temple ceremonies, put together hygiene kits, prepare meals and clean homes for those in need. I've typed words meant to inspire, dialed friends who needed a listening ear, written checks for tithing and fast offerings, and folded them in prayer. I hope that my hands are clean and are acceptable instruments for the Lord's work.
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