On the Jukebox: "He's so Fine" by the Chiffons
Quote: "Long ago, the delicate tangles of his hair... covered the emptiness of my hand." ~ Joe Versus the Volcano
Flair: Medieval Madness*
I've been fighting a cold for the past few days now. At one point I thought I was winning but now it has spread to my lungs. Boo! I don't need an excuse to slow down at the moment. I already take plenty of naps but being sick is sapping all my energy. I am quite put out! I hate lagging behind the power curve and that's where I've been for the past week or so. Fortunately my house looks all right but my writing projects are piling up. I need to get the RS B-day script done soon. I wish I had some motivation but the drugs make me too groggy to think clearly.
You might think that being self employed would make it easier to call in sick. Au contraire, mon frère... my boss is a task master who expects 100% all of the time. I am way too hard of myself which probably contributes to feeling worn down. I understand that no one can be 'go go go' all the time but I like my work and normally enjoy it. Being sick and stuck in bed when you enjoy your work is a lot like having your leg in traction during the first few weeks of summer vacation when all your friends are taking swim lessons. Not fun. Now who's going to bring me some chicken soup and ice cream?
*Malt ice cream with chunks of Three Musketeers candy bars, chocolate chips and marshmallows
1 comment:
I'm finally feeling better (but expect the cough to last and last) and wish I could bring you homemade soup with just a dash of love added. I hope you feel better soon.
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