On the Jukebox: "Neverending Story" by Limahl
Quote: "People who have no hope are easy to control, and whoever has the control has the power." ~ The Neverending Story Flair: Quest
Some the most profound truths are hidden in movies and books meant for children. Take for example the my daily quote which comes from an old movie. It sort of reminds me of the tales of woe being spun by the drive by media and government lately. The sad thing is that as adults we often forget these simple childhood truths. We grow old and we become burdened with responsibilities and soon grown up worries weigh us down.
In times like that I long for my kid fears - the scrapping sound that the tree branches made against my windows at night, the cracks in the ceiling, big dogs, pop quizzes, a trip to the dentist, ghosts, wondering if Santa really sees me, the uncertainty of moving to a new place, school bullies, and of course Richard Simmons.
Grown up worries are lame - stuff like making mortgage payments, saving for retirement, earning respect, disappointing or shaming your family, becoming injured, and general health concerns. The thing about fear and worrying is that it is really more reactive than proactive. It drains and diverts energy that could have been better applied to enjoying life.
Some things we learn as children are important to be reminded of on occasion. Like playing is as important as work, facing challenges with courage lessens the effects of hardship. someday we all learn to sleep without the door open or the nightlight on, and anything is possible if you believe in yourself. In other words, our kid hopes can be just as powerful in a positive way and lead to grown up satisfaction. Some of my kid hopes included: always being a good person, that there will be dessert, I will make nice friends, love learning, save my money for important purchases, never have to go without necessities, appreciate what I am given, have fun, get what I want for Christmas, please my parents, deserve love, and make my dreams come true. I'd say I'm a fairly content adult. I have all my kid hopes fulfilled and then some.
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